How to Set up RSS Feeds

f you are using WordPress, you automatically have an RSS feed.  This is built in and works right out of the box.  The built-in RSS is not really the best…  You cannot see stats of how many people are following you and you cannot control how much content is being displayed in feeds.  If you have to change your domain name, you have to change your RSS feed, it will not come with you!

There is another way to do RSS.

You can go to, you can use Google’s service for managing RSS feeds. With Feedburner, you can watch how many subscribers your feed has.

Simply go to, log in with your Google account details, enter the URL of your blog in the screen,  click on the “Next” button.  You will then have your Feedburner RSS feed in a few minutes.

After this step, Feedburner will give you a URL that looks like  This will be your new RSS feed URL.

After this step, log in to your WordPress dashboard, go to the “add new plug-in” area, and search for “FD Feedburner.”  Install this plug-in and activate the FD Feedburner plugin.  Go to settings for this plug-in and set the URL to “ URL that Feedburner gave to you.

Now you have an optimized RSS feed that is set up and ready.  The people that read blogs through RSS feeds can now do so and you can then track your feed statistics at

To learn more about how to set up WordPress blogs and deal with all the settings, Wealthy Affiliate offers great training in all aspects of setting things up, writing content, and affiliate marketing.


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